The Effects of Thumb-Sucking on Children's Teeth

baby sucking thumb while sitting on grass

If you have a young child, chances are you've found them with their thumb in their mouth on more than one occasion. While it may seem like harmless behavior, thumb-sucking can cause some serious damage to your child's teeth. Many parents don't realize that thumb-sucking can damage their child's teeth. While it may seem like a harmless habit, prolonged thumb-sucking can lead to severe dental problems. That's why it's important to nip the habit in the bud as early as possible. Today, we're going to take a look at some of the ways that thumb-sucking can impact your child's oral health and what you can do to help them break the habit. Read on to learn how this habit can damage your child's teeth and what you can do to help them break the habit.

How Thumb-sucking Can Damage Teeth

Thumb-sucking can cause several dental problems in children, including malocclusion (crooked teeth), tooth wear, and gum recession. In addition, thumb suckers are more likely to develop speech impediments such as lisps. Here's a closer look at how each of these problems can occur: 

  • Malocclusion: When children suck their thumbs, the pressure exerted on their teeth can cause them to become misaligned. This may cause the teeth to protrude or cause an overbite. In most cases, this misalignment can be corrected through orthodontic treatment (braces).

  • Tooth wear: Excessive thumb-sucking can also lead to tooth wear, which is when the enamel on the teeth is worn down. This not only makes the teeth more susceptible to cavities and decay, but it can also make them appear yellow and stained.

  • Gum recession: Repeatedly sucking on the thumb can put pressure on the gums and cause them to recede (pull away) from the teeth. This exposes the roots of the teeth and makes them more sensitive to hot and cold temperatures.

  • Changes in the roof of the mouth: Thumb-sucking can also cause the roof of the mouth to become misshapen, including a narrow palate or high-arched palate. This can contribute to mouth breathing and can also cause dental health problems later in life.

  • Speech impediments: Thumb-sucking can also cause speech impediments such as lisps. This is because the tongue is positioned differently when a child sucks their thumb, which interferes with how they form certain sounds.

Tips for Breaking the Thumb-sucking Habit

If your child is a thumb sucker, there are a few things you can do to help them break the habit. First, praise them when they're not sucking their thumb. This will help them associate positive feelings with not sucking their thumb. Second, try placing a bandage on their thumb when they're trying to break the habit. This will help remind them not to suck their thumb and will also make it difficult for them to do so.

Finally, provide them with a comforting object to hold when they're feeling the urge to suck their thumbs, such as a stuffed animal or blanket. With a little patience and effort, you should be able to help your child break the thumb-sucking habit for good!


If your child sucks their thumb, it's important to take steps to break the habit before it causes irreversible damage to their teeth. There are several different ways you can help your child stop sucking their thumb, including positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, and habit reversal training.

Talk to your dentist about possible consequences and how to best protect your child's teeth. In some cases, orthodontic appliances may be recommended to help correct any problems that have already arisen. With early intervention, you can help ensure that your child's teeth are healthy and aligned properly.


Book your appointment with an Escondido dentist today

At Andrew Kim, DDS, we are always looking for new ways to improve the dental health of patients. Our goal has always been and will always be to create and maintain a family-oriented dental practice that empowers and equips all our patients to create healthy dental hygiene habits.

At our family-friendly Escondido dental office, we provide preventative care, cleaning, and dental procedures to help our patients be confident in both their smiles and overall health. Call us at (760) 747-5295 to book your dental appointment with us.


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Andrew Kim, DDS is an Escondido dentist providing advanced dental treatment to the Escondido communities and the Northern San Diego area. We make your comfort and oral health our top priority. Book your appointment today!